Install Ubuntu Desktop

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Install Ubuntu Desktop

Last Updated on

To install a different desktop environment, you'll just need to open your Linux distribution's package manager and install the appropriate package. This will be similar on al distributions, but we'll use Ubuntu 14.04 and Linux Mint 17 as examples here. For example, let's say you wanted to install another desktop environment on Ubuntu. Double-click the virtual machine and select the Ubuntu ISO. Click Install Ubuntu. Click Erase disk and install Ubuntu. For more tips, including how to navigate the setup for your new Ubuntu machine, read on! One option is to install Gnome, which is the default desktop environment in Ubuntu 20.04. Another option is to install Xfce. It is a fast, stable, and lightweight desktop environment, which makes it ideal for usage on a remote server. Run one of the commands below to install the desktop environment of your choice. Install Gnome: sudo apt.

List Of Top Desktop Environments For Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

We are constantly writing articles on Linux desktop environments and Linux themes suitable for various Linux based operating systems. This post is particularly for the Ubuntu 20.04 LTS users who want to try different Linux desktop environments instead of default Gnome.

Top Desktop Environments For Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

1) Pantheon

Pantheon is a default desktop environment for Elementary OS. It is user friendly and fast processing desktop environment. It can be the perfect alternative for your Gnome desktop environment in Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

How To Install Pantheon On Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

Run the following commands to install Pantheon On Ubuntu:

You need to install the various repositories before installing Pantheon:

Now you can install pantheon on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS with the command below:

2) Mate

Mate desktop environment is another popular Linux desktop environment that is a default in Ubuntu Mate operating system. It is a fork of Gnome 2. Various Linux operating systems are using the Mate desktop environment.

How To Install Mate On Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

Install Mate Desktop In Ubuntu 20.04 LTS and derivatives:

Run the following commands:

3) Cinnamon Desktop

Cinnamon Desktop is the fork of Gnome Shell. It is a default desktop environment on Linux Mint. It has a user-friendly desktop interface and often considered as suitable for first time Linux users.

How To Install Cinnamon On Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

Run the following commands to install Cinnamon desktop in Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Linux:

Add the Universe PPA with the command below.

Now, install Cinnamon with the following installation command:

4) Xfce

Actualizar google chrome para pc. If you are looking for a lightweight Linux desktop environment then Xfce can be the better option for you. At the time of this article writing, Xfce 4.14 is the most recent version of the Xfce desktop environment.

Linux operating systems like Ubuntu Studio, Xubuntu are using Xfce.

How To Install Xfce On Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

5) Deepin Desktop

Install Deepin desktop environment on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. Deepin is a beautiful desktop environment.

How To Install Deepin Desktop On Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

You need to add Deepin Desktop Environment packages to your system by running following command:

Update your system:

Run the following commands to install Deepin desktop environment and follow the onscreen instruction:

You need to install a file manager too

Run the following command to install Deepin desktop theme on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS:


Ubuntu 20.04 was released on April 23, 2020, with a support of 5 years, by Canonical. This post helps you perform the installation of Ubuntu 20.04 in dual boot with MicrosoftWindows 10 on a laptop or desktop.

New Features in Ubuntu 20.04

  • Refreshed Yaru theme with Light/Dark switching
  • GNOME 3.6 with the new lock screen, system menu, and app folder design.
  • Linux Kernel 5.4
  • Support for ZFS 0.8.3
  • Builtin support for WireGuard VPN
  • Support for raspberry pi
  • Boot speed improvements via changing the default kernel compression algorithm
  • Netplan supports GSM modems via the Network Manager

You can read more about the new features here.

Try Before Installing Ubuntu 20.04

Our second sun. If you have VMware Workstation or VirtualBox software on your system, you can download the Ubuntu 20.04 VM images to try it out.

Fresh Installation / Upgrade Ubuntu

For fresh installation of Ubuntu 20.04:

READ:Install Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver) on UEFI and Legacy BIOS System – Step by Step Guide

For upgrading to Ubuntu 20.04 from Ubuntu 18.04 or Ubuntu 19.10:

READ:How To Upgrade To Ubuntu 20.04 From Ubuntu 18.04 / Ubuntu 19.10 [Detailed Guide]

Install Ubuntu 20.04 Alongside With Windows 10 in Dual Boot

I assume that you already have a Windows operating system on your laptop or desktop and want to install Ubuntu 20.04 in dual boot with Windows 10.

This tutorial should also work if you are installing Ubuntu 20.04 in dual boot with previous versions ofo Microsoft Windows such as Windows 8.1 or Windows 8.

If your laptop or desktop doesn't have any operating system, then you can follow the Step by Step Guide to Install Ubuntu 20.04.

Ubuntu 20.04 supports Legacy BIOS / UEFI firmware with secure boot enabled. So, you should not face any problems installing Ubuntu 20.04.

Step 1: Download Ubuntu 20.04 LTS ISO

Download Ubuntu 20.04 LTS desktop iso image from the Ubuntu website.

Step 2: Create a Live USB / Write a Bootable CD

Create a Bootable CD/DVD

Write the downloaded Ubuntu OS image to a DVD using your favorite DVD burner in Windows.

Create a bootable USB disk

Use Rufus (BIOS / UEFI compatible) to create a bootable USB disk.

Step 3: Prepare the Windows System for Dual-Boot

In most of the cases, Laptop / Desktop vendors ship machines with Windows OS pre-installed and the whole disk used for the operating system (c: drive). So, machines will not have any free space (unallocated disk space) left for Ubuntu 20.04 installation.

Ubuntu 20.04 requires 25GB of disk space for the installation. If your system already has unallocated space (at least 25GB), then you can skip this step and go directly to the installation of Ubuntu 20.04.

Otherwise, as the first thing, we will create free disk space on the hard drive for Ubuntu 20.04 installation.

Go to Windows OS. Press Win + R to open Run. Then, type diskmgmt.msc to open the Disk Management utility.

Since my machine has only one partition, i.e., C:, I will shrink it for Ubuntu installation.

Consider shrinking the last partition in case your system has more than one partition.

Right-click on C: drive partition and then select Shrink Volume to resize the partition.

Enter the size in MB and then click Shrink to begin the shrinking operation.

For Example: To get a 100GB free disk space on the 1TB partition, you would need to enter 102400.

Wait for a few minutes, and you will see an unallocated space of 100GB.

Step 4: Boot from USB Stick or CD

Insert the DVD or USB stick on the system and then reboot the machine. Change the boot sequence on BIOS/UEFI to boot a system from DVD/USB by pressing F2, F10 or F12 keys (read the vendor manual for more information).

Step 5: Preparing To Install Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

UEFI System

Once the system boots up from DVD/USB drive, the grub boot screen should appear on your machine. Select Ubuntu from the menu and then press Enter.

Legacy BIOS System

Do not interrupt the booting from DVD or USB.

Press Ctrl+C to cancel all filesystem checks.

Wait for few minutes to let DVD/USB disk loads into memory and bring up the Ubuntu Live system.

Click Install Ubuntu on the welcome screen.

Choose the Keyboard and then click Continue to proceed further.

Step 6: Normal/Minimal Installation

On this screen, you need to select the apps for installation.

Normal Installation – You will get a graphical desktop environment with all regular software.Minimal Installation – You will get a basic desktop environment with a browser and core system administration utilities.

You can optionally choose to install system updates and third-party software during OS installation.

Quake champions amd. The system requires an active internet connection to download updates and software. The installation may take a bit more time depends on the downloadable contents.

Step 7: Disk Partitioning

Installation type is the most important step in the Ubuntu installation. Here, you need to select Install Ubuntu alongside Windows Boot Manager or Something else to install Ubuntu 20.04 along with Windows 10

Do not choose Erase disk and install Ubuntu as this option will wipe out all your data and install Ubuntu, potentially a dangerous one.

Please follow any one of the methods.

7a: Automatic Partitioning

UEFI System:

If you choose to install Ubuntu alongside Windows Boot Manager, the installer will take care of creating partitions for Ubuntu installation and install Ubuntu 20.04 along with Windows 10. Use this option only if you don't mind about the partition layout and its size.

Click Continue to confirm the automatic partition creation.

Legacy BIOS System:

If you choose to Install Ubuntu Alongside Windows 10, the installer will take care of creating partitions for Ubuntu installation and install Ubuntu 20.04 along with Windows 10. Use this option only if you don't mind about the partition layout and its size.

Install Ubuntu Desktop On Windows

Click Continue to confirm the automatic partition creation.

7b: Manual Partitioning

If you want create partitions manually with the size you want, select Something else option and then click Continue.

Here, in this step, we will create partitions manually for Ubuntu 20.04 installation.

We will create below partitions.

UEFI System:

  • /home – 10GB
  • swap – 4GB
  • / – Remaining (86GB)

Legacy BIOS:

  • /boot – 1GB (Optional)
  • /home – 10GB
  • swap – 4GB
  • / – Remaining (85GB)

You should see some free disk space we created earlier. Select the free space and then click on the + sign to create a partition for Ubuntu 20.04 installation.

/boot – 1GB (Optional) – For Legacy BIOS System Only:

/home Partition: Chromebook browser download.

SWAP Partition:

/ (root) Partition:

Once you have created the required partitions, click Install Now to write the changes to disk.

Click Continue to write the changes to disks.

Step 8: Additional Configurations

Select your location from the map and then click Continue. This is for your system timezone.

Fill the user creation form to create a user account (administrative account (sudo)) for your system. Also, set the hostname for your system and then click on the Continue to begin the installation.

Step 9: Ubuntu 20.04 – Installation

The below screenshot shows the installation of Ubuntu 20.04. The installation will take at least 15 to 30 minutes to complete.

Once the OS installation is complete, click the Restart Now to reboot the machine.

Remove the installation DVD ROM, if required, and then press Enter.

Boot To Ubuntu 20.04

After the system reboot, you will get the Grub menu, where you will see both Ubuntu and Microsoft Windows listed.

Default OS is Ubuntu.

Press Enter in while your selection is Ubuntu to boot into Ubuntu 20.04.

UEFI System

Legacy BIOS System

Log in with your credentials to get the desktop screen.

Ubuntu 20.04 Post-Installation

Upon successful login, you will get the Welcome to Ubuntu wizard.

Install Ubuntu Desktop Pi

If you want, you can connect your online accounts to your Ubuntu system. Otherwise, you can skip.

If you are a subscriber to Ubuntu Advantage, then configure Livepatch that helps you apply updates without requiring a reboot of your system.

You can either choose to send or not to send the system information to Canonical to improve Ubuntu. Os x mountain lion download free.

Decide whether you want to enable or disable location services.

Ubuntu 20.04 is now ready for your use.


Last Updated on

To install a different desktop environment, you'll just need to open your Linux distribution's package manager and install the appropriate package. This will be similar on al distributions, but we'll use Ubuntu 14.04 and Linux Mint 17 as examples here. For example, let's say you wanted to install another desktop environment on Ubuntu. Double-click the virtual machine and select the Ubuntu ISO. Click Install Ubuntu. Click Erase disk and install Ubuntu. For more tips, including how to navigate the setup for your new Ubuntu machine, read on! One option is to install Gnome, which is the default desktop environment in Ubuntu 20.04. Another option is to install Xfce. It is a fast, stable, and lightweight desktop environment, which makes it ideal for usage on a remote server. Run one of the commands below to install the desktop environment of your choice. Install Gnome: sudo apt.

List Of Top Desktop Environments For Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

We are constantly writing articles on Linux desktop environments and Linux themes suitable for various Linux based operating systems. This post is particularly for the Ubuntu 20.04 LTS users who want to try different Linux desktop environments instead of default Gnome.

Top Desktop Environments For Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

1) Pantheon

Pantheon is a default desktop environment for Elementary OS. It is user friendly and fast processing desktop environment. It can be the perfect alternative for your Gnome desktop environment in Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

How To Install Pantheon On Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

Run the following commands to install Pantheon On Ubuntu:

You need to install the various repositories before installing Pantheon:

Now you can install pantheon on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS with the command below:

2) Mate

Mate desktop environment is another popular Linux desktop environment that is a default in Ubuntu Mate operating system. It is a fork of Gnome 2. Various Linux operating systems are using the Mate desktop environment.

How To Install Mate On Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

Install Mate Desktop In Ubuntu 20.04 LTS and derivatives:

Run the following commands:

3) Cinnamon Desktop

Cinnamon Desktop is the fork of Gnome Shell. It is a default desktop environment on Linux Mint. It has a user-friendly desktop interface and often considered as suitable for first time Linux users.

How To Install Cinnamon On Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

Run the following commands to install Cinnamon desktop in Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Linux:

Add the Universe PPA with the command below.

Now, install Cinnamon with the following installation command:

4) Xfce

Actualizar google chrome para pc. If you are looking for a lightweight Linux desktop environment then Xfce can be the better option for you. At the time of this article writing, Xfce 4.14 is the most recent version of the Xfce desktop environment.

Linux operating systems like Ubuntu Studio, Xubuntu are using Xfce.

How To Install Xfce On Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

5) Deepin Desktop

Install Deepin desktop environment on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. Deepin is a beautiful desktop environment.

How To Install Deepin Desktop On Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

You need to add Deepin Desktop Environment packages to your system by running following command:

Update your system:

Run the following commands to install Deepin desktop environment and follow the onscreen instruction:

You need to install a file manager too

Run the following command to install Deepin desktop theme on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS:


Ubuntu 20.04 was released on April 23, 2020, with a support of 5 years, by Canonical. This post helps you perform the installation of Ubuntu 20.04 in dual boot with MicrosoftWindows 10 on a laptop or desktop.

New Features in Ubuntu 20.04

  • Refreshed Yaru theme with Light/Dark switching
  • GNOME 3.6 with the new lock screen, system menu, and app folder design.
  • Linux Kernel 5.4
  • Support for ZFS 0.8.3
  • Builtin support for WireGuard VPN
  • Support for raspberry pi
  • Boot speed improvements via changing the default kernel compression algorithm
  • Netplan supports GSM modems via the Network Manager

You can read more about the new features here.

Try Before Installing Ubuntu 20.04

Our second sun. If you have VMware Workstation or VirtualBox software on your system, you can download the Ubuntu 20.04 VM images to try it out.

Fresh Installation / Upgrade Ubuntu

For fresh installation of Ubuntu 20.04:

READ:Install Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver) on UEFI and Legacy BIOS System – Step by Step Guide

For upgrading to Ubuntu 20.04 from Ubuntu 18.04 or Ubuntu 19.10:

READ:How To Upgrade To Ubuntu 20.04 From Ubuntu 18.04 / Ubuntu 19.10 [Detailed Guide]

Install Ubuntu 20.04 Alongside With Windows 10 in Dual Boot

I assume that you already have a Windows operating system on your laptop or desktop and want to install Ubuntu 20.04 in dual boot with Windows 10.

This tutorial should also work if you are installing Ubuntu 20.04 in dual boot with previous versions ofo Microsoft Windows such as Windows 8.1 or Windows 8.

If your laptop or desktop doesn't have any operating system, then you can follow the Step by Step Guide to Install Ubuntu 20.04.

Ubuntu 20.04 supports Legacy BIOS / UEFI firmware with secure boot enabled. So, you should not face any problems installing Ubuntu 20.04.

Step 1: Download Ubuntu 20.04 LTS ISO

Download Ubuntu 20.04 LTS desktop iso image from the Ubuntu website.

Step 2: Create a Live USB / Write a Bootable CD

Create a Bootable CD/DVD

Write the downloaded Ubuntu OS image to a DVD using your favorite DVD burner in Windows.

Create a bootable USB disk

Use Rufus (BIOS / UEFI compatible) to create a bootable USB disk.

Step 3: Prepare the Windows System for Dual-Boot

In most of the cases, Laptop / Desktop vendors ship machines with Windows OS pre-installed and the whole disk used for the operating system (c: drive). So, machines will not have any free space (unallocated disk space) left for Ubuntu 20.04 installation.

Ubuntu 20.04 requires 25GB of disk space for the installation. If your system already has unallocated space (at least 25GB), then you can skip this step and go directly to the installation of Ubuntu 20.04.

Otherwise, as the first thing, we will create free disk space on the hard drive for Ubuntu 20.04 installation.

Go to Windows OS. Press Win + R to open Run. Then, type diskmgmt.msc to open the Disk Management utility.

Since my machine has only one partition, i.e., C:, I will shrink it for Ubuntu installation.

Consider shrinking the last partition in case your system has more than one partition.

Right-click on C: drive partition and then select Shrink Volume to resize the partition.

Enter the size in MB and then click Shrink to begin the shrinking operation.

For Example: To get a 100GB free disk space on the 1TB partition, you would need to enter 102400.

Wait for a few minutes, and you will see an unallocated space of 100GB.

Step 4: Boot from USB Stick or CD

Insert the DVD or USB stick on the system and then reboot the machine. Change the boot sequence on BIOS/UEFI to boot a system from DVD/USB by pressing F2, F10 or F12 keys (read the vendor manual for more information).

Step 5: Preparing To Install Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

UEFI System

Once the system boots up from DVD/USB drive, the grub boot screen should appear on your machine. Select Ubuntu from the menu and then press Enter.

Legacy BIOS System

Do not interrupt the booting from DVD or USB.

Press Ctrl+C to cancel all filesystem checks.

Wait for few minutes to let DVD/USB disk loads into memory and bring up the Ubuntu Live system.

Click Install Ubuntu on the welcome screen.

Choose the Keyboard and then click Continue to proceed further.

Step 6: Normal/Minimal Installation

On this screen, you need to select the apps for installation.

Normal Installation – You will get a graphical desktop environment with all regular software.Minimal Installation – You will get a basic desktop environment with a browser and core system administration utilities.

You can optionally choose to install system updates and third-party software during OS installation.

Quake champions amd. The system requires an active internet connection to download updates and software. The installation may take a bit more time depends on the downloadable contents.

Step 7: Disk Partitioning

Installation type is the most important step in the Ubuntu installation. Here, you need to select Install Ubuntu alongside Windows Boot Manager or Something else to install Ubuntu 20.04 along with Windows 10

Do not choose Erase disk and install Ubuntu as this option will wipe out all your data and install Ubuntu, potentially a dangerous one.

Please follow any one of the methods.

7a: Automatic Partitioning

UEFI System:

If you choose to install Ubuntu alongside Windows Boot Manager, the installer will take care of creating partitions for Ubuntu installation and install Ubuntu 20.04 along with Windows 10. Use this option only if you don't mind about the partition layout and its size.

Click Continue to confirm the automatic partition creation.

Legacy BIOS System:

If you choose to Install Ubuntu Alongside Windows 10, the installer will take care of creating partitions for Ubuntu installation and install Ubuntu 20.04 along with Windows 10. Use this option only if you don't mind about the partition layout and its size.

Install Ubuntu Desktop On Windows

Click Continue to confirm the automatic partition creation.

7b: Manual Partitioning

If you want create partitions manually with the size you want, select Something else option and then click Continue.

Here, in this step, we will create partitions manually for Ubuntu 20.04 installation.

We will create below partitions.

UEFI System:

  • /home – 10GB
  • swap – 4GB
  • / – Remaining (86GB)

Legacy BIOS:

  • /boot – 1GB (Optional)
  • /home – 10GB
  • swap – 4GB
  • / – Remaining (85GB)

You should see some free disk space we created earlier. Select the free space and then click on the + sign to create a partition for Ubuntu 20.04 installation.

/boot – 1GB (Optional) – For Legacy BIOS System Only:

/home Partition: Chromebook browser download.

SWAP Partition:

/ (root) Partition:

Once you have created the required partitions, click Install Now to write the changes to disk.

Click Continue to write the changes to disks.

Step 8: Additional Configurations

Select your location from the map and then click Continue. This is for your system timezone.

Fill the user creation form to create a user account (administrative account (sudo)) for your system. Also, set the hostname for your system and then click on the Continue to begin the installation.

Step 9: Ubuntu 20.04 – Installation

The below screenshot shows the installation of Ubuntu 20.04. The installation will take at least 15 to 30 minutes to complete.

Once the OS installation is complete, click the Restart Now to reboot the machine.

Remove the installation DVD ROM, if required, and then press Enter.

Boot To Ubuntu 20.04

After the system reboot, you will get the Grub menu, where you will see both Ubuntu and Microsoft Windows listed.

Default OS is Ubuntu.

Press Enter in while your selection is Ubuntu to boot into Ubuntu 20.04.

UEFI System

Legacy BIOS System

Log in with your credentials to get the desktop screen.

Ubuntu 20.04 Post-Installation

Upon successful login, you will get the Welcome to Ubuntu wizard.

Install Ubuntu Desktop Pi

If you want, you can connect your online accounts to your Ubuntu system. Otherwise, you can skip.

If you are a subscriber to Ubuntu Advantage, then configure Livepatch that helps you apply updates without requiring a reboot of your system.

You can either choose to send or not to send the system information to Canonical to improve Ubuntu. Os x mountain lion download free.

Decide whether you want to enable or disable location services.

Ubuntu 20.04 is now ready for your use.

You will now get the Ubuntu 20.04 desktop.

Ubuntu 20.04 supports NTFS filesystems. So, you can easily access Windows partitions from Ubuntu.

Boot To Windows Operating System

If you want to boot into Windows 10, reboot the system and select the Windows partition.

UEFI System

Install Ubuntu Desktop Tutorial

Select the Windows Boot Manager (on /dev/sda2) from the GRUB menu.

Legacy BIOS System Select the Windows 10 (on /dev/sda1) from the GRUB menu.


Install Ubuntu Desktop Environment

That's All. Check out Ubuntu 20.04 page to get the most out of your Ubuntu 20.04 installation.


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